
Jill Addison came out of a Public Relations background into the field of film and video.  

Over the last 6 years, she’s worked as a Producer on a film that was distributed internationally (, and also held Producer and Production Manager positions at two different video production companies before launching her own company.  She’s found a niche in San Diego where she provides 1 and 3 minute online video commercials to small business owners to help them gain new clients.

Over the last two years, she has moved from a strictly Writer/Producer role into also filling the role of Camera person, Editor and Online Video Distribution Specialist.  She has honed these skills in part by working hand in hand with her Shooter/Editor husband, Eric Addison, who owns and operates a high end video production company,  100 Acre Films, Jill's skills are at a level far beyond those normally available to a small businessperson on a tight budget.   Combined with her marketing expertise, Jill's new business offers unparalleled assets to small businesses.

While Jill and Eric focus on different target markets, they sometimes create synergy through working on larger projects together.  Together or separately, this dynamic duo can address virtually any commercial project.  Eric focuses mostly on corporate video for Fortune 500 companies, but is passionate about writing and directing his own feature films in the future,  to express his creativity through narrative films. Jill’s true passion is exploring how the rising tide of online video can be leveraged into a scalable and profitable business.  They both look forward to where these dreams will take them in the future.

Editor's Note:    I met Jill quite by accident at a Media Pro Camp hosted by the San Diego chapter of MCAI at which she led a session I attended.  During a lunch break I wound up at a table with Jill and her husband Eric, who were nothing less than a dynamic duo of video production.  Their knowledge, combined with enthusism for the projects they were discussing. made it natural for me to want to share their story.

AddisonLogo190OCS:   Where did you grow up?  What type of formal education did you have?
Jill:    I grew up in Hutchinson, KS (pop 40,000) and I have a Bachelors of Art in History and a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations.

OCS:   Was there an aha! moment when you knew what you wanted to do professionally?
Jill:    When I was in college, I really didn’t know what kind of career would be good for me.  I was talking about it with my dad and he said he thought I was good at communication, so I took his advice and majored in that.When I was finally working in Public Relations, I produced a recruiting video. It was my first experience with hands on video production and I thought it was by far the most fun I had in any Public Relations function. So I tucked it in the back of my mind that when I got tired of PR, maybe I would move into video production. After about four years in PR, I did get bored, so I signed up for a video production class at a local community college in Orange County (Saddleback College). About 3 weeks later, as fate would have it, the non-profit I worked for decided to produce a new feature film targeted toward women, and they asked me to be the Producer.  And the rest is history.


   What makes you happy?
Jill:    Professionally, I’m happy when I’m combining my creativity with strategic thinking and planning. Personally, I’m happy when I’m with my husband, when I come in contact with people who inspire me and make me think bigger, when I feel my faith expand and my heart open up to God.

OCS:    Relate one or more of your best and/or most satisfying projects.
Jill:    Definitely the best job of my life was producing Magdalena: Released from Shame. That feature film has been translated into dozens of languages and seen by millions of people around the world, and I still hear reports of how it is changing people’s lives as they see how Jesus valued women.  I got to travel to distant parts of the world and interview people there as part of my research for the film, and I will always be thankful that I had the opportunity to play a part in that project.

You can contact Jill through her website

Thursday, March 13, 2025