As a child, Anne Ganguzza loved to be behind the mic (or hairbrush, rather, where it all seemed to start). 

Throughout her elementary and high school years, she was an active singer and participant in local and school choirs, swing choir (today’s modern “Glee” club), school musicals, and pianist in the school Jazz Band.  For a brief period of time before college, she sang professionally at local events and weddings, and found a happy comfort and confidence behind the mic that still rings true to this day.

At the advice of her high school guidance counselor, she applied to college and majored in Mechanical Engineering.  Upon discovering a love for computers and technology, she switched majors and graduated college with a degree in Computer Graphics Engineering.  Upon graduation, she worked as a graphic design engineer for Osteonics (now Stryker) a biomedical company specializing in prosthetic devices. Realizing a true passion for cutting edge technology, she then spent the next 17 years in the Information Technology (IT) industry, working as a network systems engineer, Project manager and Educator for a public magnet educational institution in New Jersey. As an early adopter of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and distance learning technologies in the late 90's, Anne was responsible for voicing a multitude of IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and On-Hold systems and e-learning narrations within many educational, government, and non-profit agencies in the State of New Jersey, when the voice-acting bug bit her.  Education and technology, with the addition of a microphone, was the perfect combination!  

After moving to Southern California 4 years ago, she focused solely on building her voice-over business, and is now a full time voice actor, coach and producer.  Not surprisingly, as a voice talent, she specializes in E-learning, corporate narration, and IVR and On-Hold Messaging .  Her clients include Cisco Systems, Advance Auto Parts, KIA, Goodwill, Starline Films, Jones & Bartlett Learning, F&M Trust Bank, Endo Pharmaceuticals, and the National Italian American Foundation, to name just a few!

Anne's undeniable passion for voice-overs, teaching, and sharing her knowledge with others inspired her to form the local meet-up group for voice over artists affectionately known as the Orange County VO Peeps.  Her founding mission is not only to network with other voice over artists and industry professionals, but, also to provide continuing education initiatives focused on growing member's voice-over skills and their voice-over business. Each meet-up features educational segments with leading industry professionals covering a wide variety of topics relevant to helping members succeed in the business.  

Anne is a member of the Society of Accredited Voice Over Artists, (SaVoa)    Accreditation by SaVoa is recognition of a voice over artist's ability to provide vocally and technically proficient broadcast-quality voice over services and to conduct business in a manner that enhances the profession as a whole.  She also is a member of MCA-I OC/LA (Media Communications Alliance International) and was most recently elected to the board of the MAOC (Media Alliance of Orange County)..

Editor's Note:    Anne Ganguzza is another example of the remarkable people in the "business" who have had an interesting journey.

OCS:    You are a classic example of someone who has reinvented herself after being quite successful in their primary field, in your case Information Technology.  Did you have and aha! moment at which you knew VoiceOver would be your sole pursuit?
Anne:   My initial strategy when getting into the field of voiceovers was to start on a part time basis so I could get a feel for the industry and to discover my unique niche and market, although I always had a full time career in VO as my end goal.  I was hooked!  My moment happened when my husband was offered the opportunity to transfer his job to California.  It turned out to be the perfect opportunity to pursue my dream full time and offered me the time I needed to concentrate on really growing my business!

OCS:    Moving to Southern CA four years ago added additional uncertainty to a new career, being the new kid on the block.  How did you handle being ‘unknown’ in  a new market?
Anne:    My first priority after resigning from my full time job (scary!) and moving to California was to establish a strategy for maintaining my loyal clients from the NY/NJ area, as well as a way to attract and meet new clients on both coasts.  Thank goodness for the Internet!  I did a lot of research and really started ramping up my online business presence.  Advertising myself as a local Orange County talent, combined with increasing my Social Media business presence, really helped me to meet some wonderful local professionals along the way.  They, in turn, introduced me to some fabulous MeetUp groups such as MCAI and MAOC, which are invaluable resources to me.  I remember hearing somewhere that Orange County had over 400 production studios alone.  I decided to make it  my goal to get to personally know every one of them!

OCS:     Please share with us your worst moment(s), and how you handled them.
Anne:    I find it hard to actually think of a "worst" moment - I am living my dream and embracing new challenges every day - It really doesn't get better than that!  I suppose if I had to choose one, it would be the time that I got an important gig to do a food promo that was to be aired in Italy.  Although the VO was to be done in English, I had to pronounce two Italian words that came very naturally for my Italian husband, but not for me!  (There are some high expectations that come with a last name of Ganguzza!)  I recorded the VO and submitted the files to the producer, who mentioned that my pronunciation was just a little bit "off".  I seriously had the hardest time of my entire career getting those two little words right.  Alone, I could say them fine, but every time I tried to use them in the promo, I would have a mental block and go right back to the old incorrect pronunciation!  I must have recorded it over and over - no less than 100 times, until I was finally able to get it right.  Frustrating to say the least - but I'm quite positive my outtakes could win a comedy award!

OCS:    On the other side of the coin, please share some of the successes you are most proud of.
Anne:    I would have to say that every voiceover job I do is a success, it just gives me so much sheer joy - I believe it's because I have built my business from the ground up, and have seen real growth as a result of my hard work.  That makes me proud.  The best for me is when I am able to inspire and motivate the students that I direct and produce, to discover their voices, create new ones, and nurture their passions for this business.  It is truly rewarding and a place where I believe I was meant to be!

OCS:    What advice would you give to people thinking about entering the VO business?
Anne:     A lot of people dream about becoming a voiceover artist, but most don't realize the true amount of sheer work and energy that goes into the business side of things.  I truly believe though, that you can succeed in the industry if you have the passion for it.  Dream be afraid to dream big, but don't be afraid of lots of hard work to achieve that dream!

OCS:     Please tell us some more about Annespeak and OC VO Peeps.  It seems that you maintain a blog and other information that will help your competitors.
Anne:     Annespeak is part of my Brand, as well as my main VO business website that drives a major percentage of my business.  The industry has changed so dramatically in the past 5-10 years with the major advancements in technology, and the website is a critical component and major factor of my success as a Voice Talent.  I would like to invite and encourage everyone to visit my web site to keep up with the latest Annespeak news.  The OC VO Peeps is one of my greatest passions and joys.  It is local (and now global!)  The Orange County MeetUp group I started for VO artists and industry professionals.  Our mission is not only to network with other voice over artists and industry professionals, but also to provide continuing education initiatives focused on growing the individual's skills as well as their voiceover business.  Each MeetUp features an industry professional guest speaker and we have been fortunate so far to have well known professionals such as Tim Keenan, John Coleman, Dennis Backer, George Whittam, and David Lawrence XVII present to the group.  Our MeetUps are broadcast live on the Internet so that our group can extend beyond the boundaries of Orange County and encompass a global audience as well.  This, in combination with our blog, allows us to network and share our resources with others in the community - a win-win situation for all!

OCS:     What are you future plans?  Are there any animated characters that will be using your voice on the screen?
Anne:     An animated character is certainly a thought to entertain, and one that I would love to pursue!)  I am just so thankful and blessed to be where I am today.  My plans are to continue to be thankful, pursue my dreams passionately and continue to grow as an artist, and as a person, every day.  I ultimately hope to be able to give back and inspire others in the same way!

   Click on the image to the left for more information about Anne (  Anne Ganguzza's Website


   VO Peeps WebsiteClick on the image to the left for more information about VO Peeps

Tuesday, October 22, 2024